Monday 28 January 2013

Pointless photo of the day:

Well, I did warn you about my busyness in the next few weeks. Maybe I'll have a bit more time tomorrow, but don't count on it.


A couple of random thoughts to tide you over in this time of blatherlessness:

- I just found out that a Jane Austen themed forum that I used to frequent back in the dark ages still exists. Who knew that they could find that many YEARS worth of Janeisms to geek out over? I already found it repetitive long before I left.

- For whatever reason, I've been in the mood to bake quick breads lately. I haven't killed anybody at work yet, even though I keep warning them about the strychnine. Oh, sorry. Obscure reference. Anyone interested in  (strychnine-free) recipes? I don't mind posting.

That'll be it for now. I need to get out of here before my overtime becomes something ridiculous.

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