Thursday 17 January 2008

Pointless... oh, whatever

I've had the headache from hell all freaking day. There's nothing I'd like better right now than to be under a blanket pretending to be dead (dead people don't have headaches, right?), but unfortunately a scout leader decided that the middle of January would be the perfect time to take the Beavers (scouts, not brown furry rodents) on an evening walk so I'm here at work.

In a little while I'll be walking with five-year-olds. In the dark. With a splitting headache.


It's also snowing. For my thoughts on snow or even just winter in general, see pretty much every second post on this blog.

Now that I'm here at the office I'm of course starting to feel hungry. Haven't managed to make myself eat a proper meal all day, but now -- when I'm across the city from my refrigerator -- my stomach starts complaining?

Shut up. Just shut up and wait.

And on that note... I should probably get a few props out for the kids. Don't worry -- I fully intend to keep reminding myself that it's not their fault they're here in the middle of January in the dark.

[/happy fun blog post]

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi!! how are u...i really like you blog!! it's nice...
i'm sorry, i don't speak a lot of english, but i'm trying jaja, i'm from argentina, and i speak i do my best!! jhahah.

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