Monday 9 March 2009

Come follow follow follow...

My apologies (or should that be apple-oghies? And no, I have no idea why my head went there just now) to anyone who knows the round I referenced in the title and now has it turning around and around in his or her head. Sorry to drive you mad.

Well, sort of.

Before I go on, today's photo has nothing to do with anything except the fact that it's FRIGGING COLD OUTSIDE. Just wanted to make that perfectly clear.


So, what's up with all the follows? Well, some time ago in an attempt to... I don't know, become Facebook or something, Blogger added a Following option. I follow a few blogs (mostly what you see on the sidebar, actually), and if you're desperate to see which ones you can click on my name and look at my profile (also, oddly enough, on the sidebar. Is there anything the sidebar can't do?).

There's also a widget you can add to your (gasp!) sidebar to show people who's following you. You may notice that there isn't one on the sidebar here.

As of today, though, there's one on the infamous Old Blog.

And why there?

Well, since that blog's not as active as this one I sometimes use it when I want to experiment with gadgets and widgets. Usually I'll put something on just to see how it looks, and if I like it I might leave it there or (more usually) delete it and add it here instead.

I tend to keep my toys here.

Anyway, today I felt like playing with a few things on the old blog, and out of sheer whateveritude I ended up briefly adding the Following widget.

I thought it was going to be briefly.

Much to my shock, though, it showed that I actually have a follower for that blog.

I wasn't expecting that, because Shrubbery is just the place where I put my doodles, bad poetry, and occasional fling with the Christmas Play-doh (blame the Toronto office for that last bit). Sometimes I use the blog to post things to Illustration Friday, like I mentioned yesterday, but other than that it's pretty slow over there. And weird over there.

But it's being followed all the same. I guess at least one person in the world can handle a bit of slow weirdness.

So why haven't I added the Follow the Faster Weirdness widget to this blog? I... dunno. Maybe I should, but it seems like I already have a fair amount of crap garbage on the sidebar here already.

I suppose you could let me know if you'd like to follow the weirdness over here, though. It doesn't take much to add the widget.

In the meantime, I'm thinking of trying out Plinky for no real reason. Anyone out there had any luck with it?

Ah well. We'll see.


Todd said...

Dammit now I have to finish it.

follow, follow, follow me.
Whither shall follow, follow, follow?
Whilther shall I follow, follow thee?
To the greenwood, to the greenwood, to the greenwood, greenwood tree...

Gee thanks.


deeol said...



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