Or you can not bother with any of the above. I don't mind either way.
So, grumpiness. Why? Two things. Lack of sleep (SOMEBODY woke up at 1:30 am convinced that she'd already had a full night's rest. She hadn't, in case you wondered), and annoyance with the weather. Guess what, boys and girls? We're under a winter storm warning. Yes, you heard right. Winter storm warning. Snow and winds tonight, probably on top of rain before that.
Stupid, stupid Alberta weather.
It makes me very happy, as you can tell.
It all works out to one cranky, headachey snit in the end, and I'm sure I'm wonderful company to all and sundry at the moment.
Yay me.
Now, gadgets. I don't have too much to say about them, but there's one thing that I wanted to mention. Today's Plinky prompt is asking what gadget is on your wish list, and while I wasn't in the mood to answer on the site (grumpy, remember?) it got me to thinking about what gadget might actually be on my wish list if I actually had such a thing.
iPhone? Nah. My phone does me just fine and costs me a lot less per month to operate.
Video games? Well, I had thought of getting myself a Nintendo DS at some point, but apparently I didn't want one too badly because nothing's been done about it. Must not be too high on the list, then.
Plasma television? My father's t.v. is nice, I have to admit, but I have a pretty good quality flat-screen CRT television (yes, CRT. It came out just before everything went plasma or LCD, so it's not as old as you might think) that works well, and to be honest I really don't mind watching things letterboxed.
Television do-dads? I already have a dvr (and if it ever dies I'll have to go out and buy another one immediately. LOVE that thing) and a home theatre system with a five-disk changer so we're good there. I suppose that if I ever replace the television I'd want to get a blu-ray player or something like that, but I'm not in an especial hurry.
An mp3 player? Honestly, I don't have all that much use for one. When I'm walking somewhere I like to hear what's going on around me (I'm usually walking in the Sanctuary at work if I'm doing any casual walking. It'd be silly to be plugged in there), and at home it's just as easy to pop in a cd if I want to listen to something. Besides, I don't have a computer to download stuff with anyway.
Should a computer be on my wish list, then?
I know it probably seems pretty odd in this day and age that I don't have a computer, but I don't really seem to need one. My workplace is very tolerant of personal computer use during break time (that explains why my workday blogging is usually at lunchtime, if you've wondered) and on weekends I'm usually here at my father's place and can borrow his computer.
But should I have my own, do you think?
Laptops have gotten pretty inexpensive, true, and if a person shops around it's possible to get an internet connection for not TOO much money. My options would be limited there, though, since I no longer have a land line.
The question is, though, do I want a computer at home?
I probably get a lot more done without one. Like what? Well, I read. I doodle sometimes. Knit, when the mood strikes. Watch stupid things on t.v... Ok, so I don't ever get a WHOLE lot done. But the point is, if I had a computer to waste time with that's probably what I'd be doing. Wasting time with a computer.
I dunno.
One of these days, maybe.
Or not.
I'm going to go enjoy my grumpiness now. Or get some lunch, or something.
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