Monday 30 March 2009

Ok, you know what annoys me?

Um, a lot of things, really. I just realised that if I really started blathering about everything that annoys me we'd be here for a very, very long time.

And you'd all be more than a little annoyed with me, I'm sure.

Anyway, today's annoyance is about people in SUVs (and PICK-UP TRUCKS, of course. But then you already know how I feel about TRUCKS) who think that parking straight is for everybody but them. I'm parked beside one today, in fact, who's going to make me look like I don't know how to park when s/he pulls away and my car is left there on its own. This particular person's back end (well, the vehicle's back end. Let's be fair) was so far into the spot I squeezed into that I'm absolutely on the line to the other side. So now, no doubt, someone is hating ME for being a spot-hog when all I was trying to do was avoid the idiot.


Incidentally, while we're talking parking lot annoyances... I really want to mention backing into angled parking sites. Not ninety-degree sites, no -- you can back into them all you want, if you're that into it -- but the ones that are at a slant. The parking lot here at work is designed as a one-way circle with grassed "islands" in the middle, and it's all angled parking. Anyone who backs into a spot has at some point made a special effort to be going the wrong way around a one-way parking lot. That's the way it works.

And that's just dumb. I'm sorry, but it is.

And usually the backer-inners park crookedly anyway, and that takes me straight back to annoyance number one.


And do people who begin sentences with and annoy you?

Yeah, sorry about that.

Or actually not. I really don't give a flying rat's bum about starting sentences with and, to be honest.

Anyway, I think I'll call it a blather before I start to go on about having caught yet another cold (thus the recent absences... and trust me, you didn't miss me) juuust before the start of the snow mould season. I'll go from not breathing and feverish to not breathing period. And after that it'll be poplar pollen. Not breathing for a straight month at least.


I should be an interesting shade of purple by then, I expect. I'll try to remember to take pictures.

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