The pictures aren't recent. You know, in case you wondered.
And speaking of wondering, is anyone wondering why I'm posting a shot of an old photo album?
Come on, someone out there must be at least mildly curious.
Ok, well, since you asked nicely... there are two reasons for the shot of the old photo album. The first is that I rarely if ever put photos of myself on the blog, and I thought you might like to see what I look like. Looked like. A while ago.
The second reason is that I'm house-sitting this week. And cat-sitting, I guess. Not to mention the fish (especially because I consider them basically furniture). My father's off to visit his grandson (and I imagine he'll visit the brother at the same time. My sister-in-law as well, come to think of it), so I'm holding down the fort back home.
Literally back home.
This is the house I grew up in.
It used to really bug me that we never moved when I was a kid. I don't know what I thought moving was since I'd never experienced it, but I used to get jealous when my friends would talk about moving to a new house or a new town or even a new province. My family, though, just stayed put. We were good at staying put. Still are, apparently.
We're still here, obviously. Or my father is.
Or usually is.
Did I mention that I'm house-sitting?
Anyway, the next week will find me in the house I grew up in, and the blog will probably find me moaning about the fact that I miss my own stuff. Yeah, you've been warned. You may also get a tiiiny bit of nostalgia here and there, but don't expect anything as exciting or revealing as *gasp* baby pictures again. That's a once-in-a-blatherage occurrence, I promise you.
You're welcome.
Come to think of it, maybe I should have posted the one of me smoking my father's pipe...
Nah. You don't need to see how early the world corrupted me. I'd imagine that you'd already figured that out on your own anyway.
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