Tuesday 10 March 2009

It slices and... erm... slices...

So, this is my first go at posting to the blog from Plinky. The way this works is that you're given a daily prompt to write about. I've written what you see below on the other site and had it cross-posted here.

Not sure how long I'll keep up with this, but I thought it might be worth a try. Anyway, here's what came up at the thought of infomercials:

IMG_1526 by inspector_81

The closest I can come to saying that I've bought something from an infomercial is admitting that I do own a Ginsu knife. In my own defence, though, it was my mother who bought it... and not by calling the ol' 1-800 number. We were at an exposition, and I think she got drawn in by the spiel, demo, and promise of "if you buy now we'll include all of these amazing items as a bonus." Part of the bonus was an extra knife, and that one went to me. I've had it for years, and I still use it. When I don't want to muck up one of my good knives, I mean.

My father owns one of Ron Popeil's rotisserie ovens. It's not too bad, really. Not that I'd run out and buy one for myself, but it does up a decent chicken.

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