Bet you hadn't noticed.
I'll maybe post one of her tomorrow if I can find one I like (she hated having her picture taken), but for today we have special guest pointless photos taken by my father. He was kind of surprised to see an unbirdfeederable bird show up in a place that's more usually a chickadee haunt, so he took some pictures. When I saw them, I in turn was surprised. We don't normally find these in the yard.
What do you want to bet that it doesn't come back, now that I'm here to see it for myself?
Anyway. The dog.

I could just write The End here and save a bit of blather, but what the hell. The dog was getting on a bit for a big dog (husky/malinois cross, of all things), and then she got sick. I'm not in the mood to go into it, really, so let's just say she couldn't get around on her own anymore.
Not a pleasant life for a normally active dog, to not have anything to enjoy but food.
Long story short, she was getting worse and it was definitely time for her to go, so now we don't have a dog.
I'm not sure how I feel about that, really.
On the one hand, it was definitely time for her to go. No question in my mind. That makes it a lot easier to deal with, and I can promise you that I haven't cried about the whole thing at all.
That's... unusual for me. I'm an admitted crier. I've been known to cry at commercials, fer pity's sake.
Only the really good ones, though.
Um, back to the dog. Or lack of same.
On the other hand... well, it's the dog. And the dog's gone. There's no reason to leave a bit of dinner on the plate now (I used to kid my father that they should have named the dog Sumfer, as in some for the dog). There's no dog to eat snowballs when you throw them at her (um, yeah), and there won't be a dog to chase the ground squirrels in the field down the hill next spring.
That's... weird.
Ah well.
She was a good dog and she had a good life... and in the end what more can you ask, really?
Bye, dog.
Edited the next day because this post seemed really weird without a photo of the dog, so... here's Rikki:
But I did warn you that she didn't like to have her picture taken.
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