Monday 16 March 2009

Oh, I don't know

Should I be posting when all I have is pissedoffedness?

Er, and a sunset?

I have no idea why you're getting a sunset today. I really don't.

Anyway, back to my attitude problem. I'm ever-so-slightly peeved at the moment. And itchy.

It all started with the crappy weather we had to deal with while my father was away. The weather, by the way, was entirely not his fault. I say this just so you know that I'm not blaming him for anything other than having a driveway.

The driveway which needed repeated shovelling while he was away.

I may have mentioned five or six thousand times that I don't do well with being out in the cold. It's as much fun as it sounds, yes, but I do ok (ish) as long as I'm dressed well.

Hard to cover up an entire face while shovelling, though.

I had thought the repeated reactions were my biggest problem that week, but it turns out that I was wrong. I seem to have got a bit of skin damage (we're not talking full-on frostbite, here; more like a frostnip) on my cheeks and nose when it was so cold and windy. I've been dealing with the redness and peeling ever since.

With a moisturiser.

That I've been using for years, I should state for the record. Non-allergenic sensitive skin blah blah blah facial moisturiser.

Well, yesterday I had a headache. It started off fairly annoying, and then got progressively worse throughout the day. Meant I got absolutely nothing done on Sunday, which was frustrating. There were things I wanted to get done that juuust didn't happen.

Towards the end of the day I noticed the rash, of course. On my face, and just on my face. It's still there right now, under my make-up. Itchy as hell. You know what happened, I expect.

I reacted to the damned moisturiser.

And yes, I'm pretty sure that it's responsible for the headache too. My head's still not quite right, but it's better than it was yesterday.

I'm a little annoyed by all of this.

Bet you hadn't guessed.

Sometimes it's just a pain in the ass (or an itch in the face) to be the sensitive type.

Anyway, this it the part where I inform the Toronto office that I'll be away from MY office for the next couple of days since I'm working off-site. That means no posting from me. I don't suppose she has any more birds lurking in her trees?

I won't mention the bats in her belfry. I'm nice that way.

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