I'm being haunted by 11:37.
No, really.
You see, it's like this. I've been going to bed fairly early the past few days in a probably vain attempt to catch up on some of the... oh, three years or so of sleep I've missed during my career as an insomniac. I've bed going to bed, and for some strange reason I've actually been going to sleep.
The problem is that I've also been waking up.
At 11:37.
PM, that would be.
A couple of nights ago I woke up at 11:37. Kind of a bummer when you only went to sleep at about 10:30, but what do you do? Try to get back to sleep, that's what, and that's exactly what I did. Eventually.
The next night I woke up at 11:37. With a vague, half-asleep sense of déjà vu. My brain couldn't quite figure out why I'd seen that number on the ceiling before (yes, I do mean on the ceiling. I have a projection clock), but eventually it stopped trying to figure things out and went back to sleep.
Last night I woke up again. AT 11:37. This time my brain decided that, for whatever reason, the clock couldn't possibly be working. Otherwise it wouldn't be showing the same time every night, right? So I turned around and watched the actual clock (as opposed to the projection) for about five minutes just to make sure that the numbers were, in fact, changing.
They were.
It had been 11:37 again, that's all.
I'm starting to get a little weirded out by that, to be honest.
Still, I don't suppose I should be weirded out by it given my history of having a really persistent internal alarm clock. For ages I've been waking up without fail at five in the morning. And why five in the morning? Well, because at some point my stupid brain decided that five in the morning was the time to get up. Every day. No matter what you did or didn't have to do each day. Five in the morning it was.
Sucks, really. I used to be a real night owl, but I've been forced to become just the opposite simply because my brain seems to think that five in the morning is a really fun hour of the day. Or did. I've managed to stretch it a tiny bit in the past few months, but I still tend to be awake at godawful in the morning whether I want to be or not. And let me tell you, that's going to be a helluva lot of fun if my brain and I continue playing this game of 11:37 as well.
I don't suppose anyone would like to buy my brain, would they? I can let it go cheap because it seems to be slightly defective...
Ah well. I guess that's all I have for today's (somewhat fatigued) blather. And if you happen to be up at 11:37 tonight fergodssake DON'T call me. It seems that I'm likely be awake, but please.
Don't encourage it.
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