Tuesday 28 July 2009

Well, let's see.

Where do we go with this particular post?

We could talk about the fact that I've found yet another blog that I'd rather like to read but can't because the blogger chose to use white letters on a black background and even a quick look caused my astigmatic eyes to water, hurt and form a helluvan afterimage. Oh, but wait. I talked about that particular annoyance here. Read it at your leisure. You know, if you want to.

We could mention that my father has one more bird nest in his yard than he thought he did. Check the backyard spruce tree closest to the house, and with any luck you'll see the back end of a robin incubating eggs. With even more luck you might see the front end. And with even more luck than that, the crows won't have found the nest before you get home.

We could wonder why the power's been off twice already today. First time? Sometime before five in the morning. And how do I know this? Because it must have come on briefly at five, since that's when the doorbell (which, I'd completely forgotten, chimes when its electricity is reconnected for whatever reason) woke me up and I found myself in a half-asleep daze wondering who the h-e-double-hockey-sticks would be at the door at five in the morning. Wondering, that is, until I tried to turn on a light to find out and discovered that the power was off again.

We could discuss the trip that I actually managed to make into the city today... but it was kind of boring. Stopped at my place, watered the plants, spent a couple of hours at work, and came back to two annoyed cats who want to be ooouutside even though I told them that it was too wet and I don't want to clean up muddy cat footprints all over the house.

Oh. That's right. I was going to discuss Max the Neediest Cat in the World. Ah well. He's as good a way as any to end this slightly odd post.

Max, as you might have guessed, is the Neediest Cat in the World. Anyone who thinks that cats are antisocial needs to meet Max. You'd either change your mind right away or decide that Max is, in fact, not actually a cat.

Sometimes I wonder which view is the truth.

Anyway, Max's daddy isn't home at the moment, so I'm the one who has to entertain Max. Usually not a big deal (even if it does get to be a bit much at times), but this time around a new variable has been causing some new problems. I mentioned that I've been sleeping in the basement room because it's cooler? Well, for some reason or other Max figures that this is the Best. Sleepover. Ever. Having me in the basement is a novelty for him, I guess. A novelty to the point where I feel like I have a little cat voyeur hanging on my every movement. Seriously. For the past few nights, every time I've dared to stir slightly or, Whomever forbid, roll over in bed, the very next moment I've had a very happy cat right in my face wondering what game we're going to play this time.

And I tell you, it's got to be something about the basement room. He's not like that when I sleep upstairs. He'll come in (waaay too early, unfortunately) in the morning wanting his belly rubbed, sure, but I'm not constantly treated as though I've been put on earth solely for His Catness's amusement. Like I apparently am right now.


Oh well. That's enough blather for today, I suppose... except that I should tell my two fans to go up and look at the top, rather strange photo of Erigeron flowers again. Didja find the spider? Didja?

Come on. You knew that there had to be a spider somewhere in this post. It seems to have everything else in it.

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