Monday 13 July 2009

Pointless post of the day:

And boy, will this ever be pointless. Last night was a horrible one as far as sleep is concerned. It's something I'll never understand, you know? I'm tired, I want to sleep, and I don't. The whole thing sucks, frankly.

So. Post. I have no idea what this will turn out to be about.

We could start with the pointless photo, I suppose. Click on it for a closer look, because it's not a bad shot. It's of a ladybird beetle larva. They're not evil, so don't squish them. Unless you happen to like extra aphids in your plants, I guess.

Well, there's that done. Any other ideas, voices? The ones in my head, I mean. Any ideas? Anyone? Here's your chance, you know. It's a wide open playing field...



We'll try again tomorrow then, I guess.

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