Friday 31 July 2009


Well, my father will be back tonight, which I'm sure will make his cats happy. I'll be leaving before he gets here, because I have to work tomorrow and I'll need to get some groceries, amongst other things. Unfortunately, leaving also means that I have to haul back all of the crap personal belongings I brought here from my place for the week.

That's always fun.

I can never decide what I might want to be doing all week when I initially pack things, so I end up bringing whacks of stuff that generally never gets used. It could be doodling supplies, knitting, books (plural, yes. Who knows what I might be in the mood to read?), my briefcase if I've just come from work... altogether a ridiculous pile of garbage to be carrying around.

And did I mention that it generally never gets used?

Well, except for this time. In a rare case of actually doing what I'd planned to do, I got a few things done this week for which I used the stuff I brought with me.


It'll probably never happen again.

Anyway, I should go get myself together so that I can get back to the city at a reasonable time. Dad, if you see this before I talk to you I hope you have (or had, depending on what time it is now. Your now, I mean) a good flight. Cats, don't tear the house apart before your daddy gets back.

Later, all.

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