I think we're there, folks.
Actually, part of the problem is that I just finished reading a friend's blog post and was so blown away by the absolute and utter jackassery of some "humans" that I honestly couldn't think of anything to say in reply. Kind of makes my little corner of internet nonsense seem even more pointless than the blog title already indicates, you know?
So what's new in my world? Not a whole lot. I'm typing with a bandage on my finger at the moment, which is incredibly annoying and throws off my whole rhythm. It's not like I'm a great typist to begin with (I used to be not too bad, but I've gotten lazy over the years. Sorry mom), so I don't really need the added help of an unfamiliar piece of plastic and cotton.
Why the bandage? Cat food tin lid. Yep, I cut myself (on a pull-tab can lid, no less) this morning at feeding time. The weird thing is that the cut is on the front of my right index finger slightly below the nail. What kind of magic juggling trick do you have to be doing to cut yourself just there with a pull-tab can lid?
Um, maybe don't answer that. Anything's possible for a lefty.
At least Penny aka Lumpy aka The Cat I Haven't Talked About Much appreciated the effort. She's kind of demanding about her stinky breakfast.
In case you're wondering, I haven't talked about Penny much because she's a bit easier to satisfy than Max is. Penny likes food, talking, being given a shoulder ride, food, sleeping, and food. As long as those ingredients are in the mix Penny's a pretty happy camper. She might be happier if she got a whole can of food to herself and could avoid the crunchy stuff altogether, I suppose, but unfortunately for her she has to share.
Share in that there are two dishes that the food's divided up into. Penny generally licks the gravy (or whatever you choose to call that delightfully scented slime) off of both dishes, and Max gets to share whatever's left over.
It seems to work for them, so I don't argue.
Hey, look! This turned out to be a post after all! I guess we'll have to wait until I'm back posting from the office for the usual too busy/too brainless to blather coming around again. I guess I even have a couple of things to leave you with (like it or not). First, I'd like to mention that today's pointless photo features true bug porn as opposed to beetle porn, since we all need a little variety in our insect sex. Second, I currently have an earworm. If you'd like to have it too, just click here. But you've been warned.
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