Friday 26 December 2014

Bob Watching

 I called this photo Bob Watching. It fits. Bob was inside watching the birds; I was outside watching Bob.

I kind of like this shot, actually. There's more going on than you first see. There's Bob, there's me taking the picture, there's the living room inside, and the bird feeders and bird bath outside. A bit of a story, I suppose.

Not bad for a mostly accident.


So how was everyone's Christmas? Ours was quiet, as it usually is. No tree, as I said, but presents anyway. Turkey supper, to which my uncle (other uncle, not recently-dead uncle) even came this time. He usually just does Christmas by himself, but for whatever reason Dad managed to get him out of the house this year. I'm glad. It was a nice visit.

Later on Dad and I took a drive around town to see what Christmas lights were up. There were some nice ones, but overall there were far less than there used to be when I was a kid... or at least that's the way it seemed. I can't say that I blame people for not wanting to go to the fuss. I probably wouldn't if I had a house. Still, it's one more thing missing, like the old NORAD Santa reports on the radio. Yeah, I know that the reports are still around, but tracking via twitter is just never going to be the same, boys and girls.

Speaking of boys, the Turkey Brothers made it through the day without destroying anything. I imagine that's partly because we're low-key, but it's also partly because the boys are growing up. They're definitely little cats now, and, I think, a little past due to make the Big Trip to the Vet.

Here's the latest photo of the two of them on their bed, and just for comparison... oh, hang on. I was just going to give you a link, but why don't I pull the photo instead? Just a sec...

There. First bed photo, back in September. My caption for this picture was Kind of hoping that they don't grow into this bed...

They sort of did, didn't they?

Ah well. They're growing up, and they're turning into mostly nice cats with just the occasional hint of shit to remind us what they're capable of.

I suppose that without that, they wouldn't be cats.

Anyway, that's about it from me. And to all those idiots who were so happy that we got Christmas snow after all even though it wasn't in the forecast, all I can say is enjoy the slippery roads, twits.

There's your bah humbug for the day.

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