Saturday 27 December 2014


This was the cats a while ago enjoying their first experience with a fountain.

We figured that they would.

Tom is becoming one of those weird cats who comes running when he hears the bathroom tap. If you you run it at a trickle he'll stick his paws in. Then he'll stick his head in. Then he'll usually sit his wet self on a clean towel just for fun.

Cats are weird.


I'm afraid that I don't really have anything today. Didn't go to any Boxing Day sales, so I can't report on being pushed around. Not quite sick of turkey yet, so I can't complain about leftovers. Kind of in a good mood overall, which is a sorry thing when the blather sort of depends on my whinging about something. So...

Enjoy the cats, I guess. Typing isn't making anything come up, so I don't think I'll bother trying any harder. Have a good weekend. I'll probably see you sometime next week.

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