Friday 28 December 2007

And so another pointless photo

... of what a particular pup thinks of the past year, maybe? Never mind that she is fast asleep here, snoring like a sailor (do sailors really snore) with a tongue that can't make up its mind whether to attack or retreat.

Oh and her head is resting on Phil and yes, she's in her crate because according to her behaviour, which clearly leads me to believe she's thought it through, there just isn't a better place to be left alone. Before you ask, Phil is the name of her pillow.

Because, I said so.

Notice how we've avoided any sort of point or topic thus far. I'm getting much better at this than I'd imagined. You know, had I given it any thought that is. But that would've been pointless, you see.

So keeping to the bail before you find a topic rule, I'll simply say enjoy your day. Unless you have other plans, of course.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww, puppy tongue!

A delicacy in China perhaps. But then, so apparently is lead paint.

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