We could talk about why it is that this particular pointless photo got taken, I suppose.
We could, if there was actually a reason for it.
You see, sometimes I just take pictures of things that look neat to me at the time, for whatever reason. Maybe I liked the pattern the dead kenilworth ivy leaves were making through that dusting of snow. Maybe I'm really lacking in subject matter at the moment.
Maybe we should all curse the world of digital photography, because now I don't hesitate before taking completely pointless photos. I used to when I had to pay for developing, but not anymore.
Of course, without pointless digital photography this blog would be a lot... blanker, I guess you could say.
A good thing?
Well, we'll never know. I'm not about to stop taking pointless photos now.
This is the part where you shrug and say whatever.
Go on. You know you want to.
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