Or something.
To be honest, I've been so busy singing Kodachrome to myself the past while (because of all the Nikon Christmas commercials, of course. Hey, it makes sense in my head) that I can't really say "I thought" anything at all.
The headache hasn't helped, but it's somewhat better today so I'm not going to whinge on about it.
Scary, huh.
I am, however, going to touch on being a leaky person. And no, I don't mean leaky as in needing an adult diaper (aren't you glad that isn't the leaky I mean? I certainly am). I mean leaky from the eyes.
Teary, if you need a translation. I'm a crier, and there's been sort of a slow leak these past few days because of all the headache nonsense.
Except when it decides to happen in an embarrassingly public place, I really don't have a problem with being the leaky sort. A good cry is a damned good stress reliever as far as I can tell, and I've always said that I'll never have an ulcer because all of my problems come out of my tear ducts long before they can build up to the critical level.
It helps that I live by myself, naturally. I might feel differently about coming home and having a good cry if I had a roommate who found it necessary to ask if I was all right or, even worse, why I was crying every time I cried.
What is it about the why, anyway? Too many people out there think there has to be a why. I cry when my body thinks it needs to cry. I cry, I get it over with, I get on with life. Having someone want to know why just messes with the system.
It makes me think too much.
Personally, I think some things are better off NOT being examined. Sometimes a person just doesn't want to know why. Really.
Anyway, me 'n the messed up head don't have a whole bunch to say so I think I'll leave it at that. The Toronto office is apparently experiencing winter in all its glories today, so let's all give her a bit of genuine sympathy.
That kind of weather does nothing but suck, even if you misguidedly think that a white Christmas is all that and a bag of chips.
We're going to have to talk about that whole white Christmas fallacy sometime, aren't we?
Ah well, there's a topic for tomorrow.
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