Or at least a pointless photo of an emergency exit.
Or at least a pointless photo of the sign above an emergency exit.
I completely have nothing to say, you know.
I suppose I should have planned some sort of review of the year or some whiny rant about the year or at the very least a New Year's resolution, but...
Oh, wait. I do have a New Year's resolution. I'm not going to tell you what it is, though.
I can, however, tell you that my New Year's resolution will be kept. And how do I know that? It's easy, really. I make the same resolution every year, and I only resolve to keep it for a month.
It works. I've never broken it yet.
Anyway, since I can guarantee that I won't be here to officially ring in the New Year tomorrow, I'll just end by saying I hope you have a good one... and that if you're heading out to party tonight fergodssake do it responsibly.
And... er...
Ok, I'm seriously out of stuff and I have things to do yet today. Later, all. See you next year.
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