Tuesday 11 December 2007

Pointless salamanders of the day:

It's Boris and Natasha. They live at the workplace, and the flash from the camera isn't really doing them justice.

Boris is the one who's looking at the camera. Translate that as: are you going to feed me or what? Never mind that I'd just fed them a couple of hours previous to this portrait. Tiger salamanders would eat constantly if you'd let them.

I don't know why you're getting salamanders today. They were on the camera, that's all.

Oh, and I've got nothing.

Should I say that I'm a little gun-shy about possibly sending the Toronto office off in another huff, especially because a good huff is hard to find these days? It wouldn't be entirely true (really, I've just got nothing), but it'd be a convenient excuse.

Typing... typing... no ideas forthcoming...

Ok, let's just go back to I've got nothing and call it a post, then. Catch you later.

And guys? Tell Boris and Natasha I'll be in to throw them some food tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

They're kinda cute, if you forget they eat mealworms and flies and such. The thought of eating mealworms makes me shudder. *shudder* See?! Not that I ever would. I guess I'd make a really lousy salamander then.

smudgers said...

I lovvvvve salamanders!

And skinks. I like skinks, too.

Apparently no one cares that I like skinks, but there ya go.

Anonymous said...

I like skinks too, and I appreciate that you like them

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