Monday 14 April 2008

Don't mind me...

I see the Toronto office has beat me to the blather, and that's fine in my books. I like holidays.

Mostly I'm just posting to show all and sundry (or at least my two fans) that my father's crocusses are up.

Not all of the crocusses look like that, however. Remember what I was saying about the deer/tulip problem (the father figure's remaining tulips are now living in cages. I guess maybe he's worried that they'll decide to take revenge somehow)? Well, they (the deer, that is. Not the tulips) attempted the crocusses too.

Most of them look more like this now:

Oh well. It's still colour.


One other thing before I go, and this comes up every year around this time for me. I'm not going to say whether I'm for or against the seal hunt because the information I have is, quite frankly, incomplete. I am, however, definitely against the seal hunt protesters, and for one important reason: would you people be so up in arms about things if seals weren't cute?

I mean, seriously. Where were you when, for example, the cod were being fished out? Where are you as millions of amphibians disappear? Frogs not pretty enough to be poster children for you?

Imagine what you twits activists could do if you took that energy you use yelling about seals and applied it to something that perhaps isn't cute and fuzzy but is still just as important to the environment as a whole. I for one am not holding my breath waiting for that, but I suppose stranger things have happened.

Might be something to think about.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In an unrelated matter...

Alberta has something else to be proud of. The world's largest beaver dam.

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