Just thought I'd remind you, since the three-day (or are we up to four-day by now?) blizzard may have caused some people to forget that such a thing as a flower exists.
This weather (which I refuse to go out and take pictures of. Everyone should already know the look of winter, and right now that's the look that our spring has chosen to model) is starting to get to me juuust a little. I was ok on the first day because I know that storms pass and snow melts. I was ok on the second day for much the same lame-assed optimistic reason, but my ok was starting to wear a little thin.
I've run out of ok now.
It didn't help that I actually had to leave the house today and experience the windchill and bad roads first-hand.
Dirty Moe very nearly got stuck in one unploughed intersection. Sounds like a minor difficulty, I know, but if you're me (and if you are, perhaps you should let me know so that we don't accidentally run into each other sometime and cause the universe to implode), getting stuck in the snow when you're by yourself and the wind is making it seem like it's almost -20C is NOT a thing to look forward to.
Oh, irony. I've just previewed this post and I see that the pointless photo isn't even coming up at the moment. Ah well. I'll leave it for now and see if the photo thingy manages to be a little happier in the future. If it isn't, I'll upload something later. It figures, though, that the one time I bother to actually refer to the pointless photo rather than simply use it as unrelated window dressing for a post, it's buggered up.
Goes with the rest of my day, somehow.
And... the snit seems to be getting worse as I type. I think maybe I'll stop typing now, if my two fans are all right with that, before I'm entirely taken over by snittitude.
Happy thoughts... happy thoughts...
Oh, shut up.
Gosh, I thought for sure *snicker* that my pics of the *cough* pups in the sun-drenched park would buoy you somehow.
Yeh I know.
Shut up.
You know, I've come back twice more to look at this. It's a very cool shot.
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