Sunday 6 April 2008

Pointless photo of the day:

It was a day from last year, but hey. I'm tired of it sitting on my nerdstick.

Besides, there might not be any tulip photos this year. The deer have had a bit of a go at them, unfortunately (a go at the tulips, that is. Not the tulip photos). This should probably be the part where I rail against the deer because I rather like tulips, but since I also rather like deer I'm just going to say that at least we still have the daffodils.

Besides, we may still get a few tulips. They'll just look like they've had haircuts, that's all.


Since we're talking about pointless photos (we are, aren't we?) I should mention that I've added a pointless photography slideshow to the sidebar. Sometimes it doesn't load at first shot; if that happens and you're desperate to see it, just refresh the page and it should come up. Clicking on a photo will take you to its home on the web album, where (as an added bonus) you can see my witty twitty caption for it as well.

Oh, and I should make it clear that I take sole blame for any of the photos you see in the slideshow. The Toronto office's are in a separate album (gee. I wonder if she knows that?), and if she wants a slideshow she'll have to set it up herself.

So there.


And now...

Well, now what?

I think I'm out of stuff, come to think of it. That's as good a hint as any to just stop typing.

So I will.

Later, all.

1 comment:

smudgers said...

Well isn't that nifty.

Erm. You trust me back there to set it up?

Ohhhh foolish woman.

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