Sunday 4 May 2008

Pointless photo of the day:

I'm thinking that this might be it for today. The pollen's apparently getting the better of me to the point where my (admittedly low-grade) headache is making me a little grumpy.

Not cranky, no. It's not bad enough for cranky. More a sort of mildly annoyed.

I could talk about today's photo, I suppose. Or at least identify it somewhat. That would make it slightly less pointless, but it would provide a little bit of blather at least.

It's a leaf bud from one of my father's lilac bushes. There are lilacs around two sides of the yard, and they're trimmed fairly tall. Sort of a living fence, I guess.

I like lilacs, but if you want to be my friend please don't bring me a lilac bouquet. The flowers look so much better left on the plant, and I think the smell is a bit too strong to be indoors anyway.

Not many people seem to agree with me on that, I know. I cringe when I open the door at the workplace and notice the joy of the year's first bundle of lilac flowers gracing the front counter. A person "notices" it by nose first, of course, and since most of my coworkers don't seem to mind being overpowered by essence of shrub I generally don't say anything.

I'm just thankful that the flowers live on the front counter and that I don't hang out there much, that's all.


To make up for a somewhat bland post I'll give you a two-fer on the pointless photos. This one's Prairie Crocus, aka Pasque Flower. I'll likely post a shot with open flowers tomorrow, but today you're getting this one because I liked the way it showed the fuzziness of the leaf shoots and flower.

And, as a bonus, these particular flowers aren't likely to show up stinkily on the front counter at work.

Later, all.

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