I didn't have a photo of a hat.
Will you stop looking at the photo for a moment so that I can talk about hats?
Ok then.
I'm sitting here at the desk in my work-logo ball cap (and THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is why there is no photo of a hat. The hat has a logo on it. The logo identifies where I work. Now, I'm under no illusion that it would be difficult to figure out where I work -- Whomever knows that I've left enough clues about on the blog -- but if you're that desperate to know where I work then I think you should at least have to work for it yourself a little), and although it'll annoy the crap out of me I'll be wearing my work-logo ball cap for the rest of the day.
Hat head.
Dun dun duuun...
All right, so there's not so much terribly wrong with a bit of hat head, but in my case hat head is hat head in the extreme. I have fine hair (there's lots of it, but it's fine), and putting on a hat has the effect of forcefully plastering my hair to the sides of my head in various abstract squiggles.
A very good look, and one often featured in the pages of Vogue I'm sure.
Anyway, once I put on a hat the hat stays. Especially if it's a ball cap.
I'm not so much into ball caps, but I'm even less into sunburns.
I found out accidentally on the weekend that my skin is not yet ready this season to go hatless in the sun. I was out for a couple of programs, the weather was mild, and I didn't really think anything of the fact that I'd spent a few hours out unprotected until I got home and looked at myself in the mirror.
More to the point, I looked at myself in the mirror and discovered a line of red, angry-looking scalp in amongst the brown (and, er, grey) hair.
Yep, idiot woman here managed to sunburn the PART IN HER HAIR. The rest of my skin was fine, but I sunburned my part.
How long have I been doing this job, again?
Oh, sorry. I said that already.
Ah well. I did remember the hat for this morning's program. That's undoubtedly a good thing even if it means that I'm stuck looking like a dweeb as I wear the hat indoors for the rest of the freaking day.
I'm almost prepared to put up with the hat head at this point, but not quite.
File this entire post under things you didn't really need to know, I guess. Of course, we could always file the entire blog under things you didn't really need to know.
What can I say? The place got its name for a reason.
Wish *I* had a hat.
Oh and consider yourself lucky that's all the comment you got. I was going to try to tie it in with yesterday's post title.
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