This probably won't go well, by the way. I'm late because of a program, I'm not in the mood for my lunch because of the program (ok, that and the doughnut. Erm, and the bag of chips), and I have a bandage on my finger that's kind of screwing up my typing.
I could take the bandage off, I suppose, since I only put it on to keep the dirt out of a little cut while I did the program that made me late for my lunch (you remember the program? I mentioned it just a few sentences ago). If I took the bandage off I'd probably end up getting all kinds of leftover adhesive on my keyboard, though, so I'm a bit torn about the whole thing.
Is it worse to be annoyed by a bandage on your finger or by the fact that your finger keeps sticking to your keyboard?
I just don't know.
They're all speaking (varying degrees of) French at the next desk right now, by the way. It's somewhat bogglingly entertaining, and definitely distracting.
Like I needed help being distracted, really.
Come to think of it, I can't even remember if I started out with an actual topic now. The post title definitely isn't helping. Pointless something. So did I have a real something in mind, or was it the usual pointlessness?
I just don't know.
Hmmm. Deja vu.
I'm going now. And so is my finger.
And so is the bandage.
And the lunch? Is still in the fridge. Doesn't seem much point to it by this time of the day anyway.
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