Friday 23 May 2008

You got a problem with that?

You got a problem?


Come a little closer and I'll give you a problem upside the head.


Ok, yeah, it's been a bit of a day. Or a bit of an afternoon, more like. The morning was pretty good and all naturalist-y, though. I went out on the trail to check something and got completely sidetracked by the fact that the male Ruddy Ducks are displaying out on the pond, the Red-Winged Blackbirds (find your own links for the rest of this ramble) are fighting over nest sites, the Muskrats are foraging, the Coots are doing... cooty things...

Well, you never know with coots.

Yeah, it was a nice morning out on the lake. It's nice to get paid for watching the wildlife.

Unfortunately, you have to come back to the office and do office things (as opposed to the aforementioned cooty things) eventually.

Oh, I should explain before I get much further that I've been a little busy at our sister site for the past couple of mornings, so I was away from the computer and didn't really have the time to blather. Thanks to the Toronto office for taking over, although I'm not sure I ever bothered to explain to her exactly why she was.

I likely won't be around to manage a weekend blather at all, as well. Or one for the next weekend. Who says it's only the wildlife that's busy in spring?

Hey... maybe if I keep not blogging, my two fans will actually miss me.

Nah. That would imply that the blog is something other than pointless, and we all know that if that happens the blog will officially turn into a pumpkin.

Not that I have anything against pumpkins per se... although I can't admit to being terribly fond of orange.

This post has sort of lost its way somewhere along the line, hasn't it?

Ah well. Maybe I'll just let it continue on its dozy way and stop trying to type after it. Tomorrow may or may not happen (on the blog, I mean. I don't know about the rest of the world), Sunday probably won't, and I'd say something about missing me but I'm honestly not sure what bizarre form of warping in the spacetime continuum occurs when a blog turns into a pumpkin so I won't even go there.


Yeah. That.

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