Tuesday 15 September 2009

And today's random thought ...

It's not that I feel I need to explain my lengthy absence exactly but if I can give even a glimmer of a smile to anyone out there, anyone who .... sorry, was playing dress-up and Miss Universe there for a bit.

Um yeh. First of all this photo has nada to do with anything except that a friend back in "The City", hereinafter to be referred to as The City (the place, not the friend), always called when things were at their peak in her garden. You see, she has plants that are actually interesting, not just tossed in because they're easy to grow or just take up space or are a particular colour.

Anyyyyyyway, yes the flowers were on purpose because last year they were salmon-coloured. I don't know either. And surely you're not looking to me for an explanation as to how this happened but I guess we just wanted to document the strange and rather dramatic colour change. You don't suppose the angel .... nah.

So let's talk about me and the definition of irony. I was diagnosed with a silly little illness on the 31st of March - which since, yes, has resolved for the most part - but which caused me to have a hearing test. Easy enough, one would think. And kind've fun, really, as it's out of ordinary and who doesn't like to experience new stuff.

"The irony, dammit woman!!", you shout. Because in my mind that's what you'd shout if you were here.
Oh where was I ... the person giving the test ... explaining the methods, the procedures ... was Korean. With quite a pronounced accent. I can't be the only one who sees a tad bit of a problem for the average person, not used to listening to others in the first place, taking accented instructions with an already-present hearing loss. Thank Whomever that I used to listen to others for a living and know how it works. Listening, that is.

The results don't really matter for the purpose of this post but I definitely was having a moment all by myself where my brain nearly imploded as I was taking the whole scenerio in.

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