Tuesday 1 September 2009

Um... things on top of other things?

Not at all suggested by this, of course.

It's just that I don't really have a particular blather in mind, so I merely uploaded a few pointless photos in the hope that I might be able to make something or other of them.

I... don't think I can, to be honest. It's invertebrates on plants. What the heck could I possible find to blather about in that?

Anyway, what you're looking at is a Goldenrod Spider on a mostly dead rose (not the brightest bulb on the porch, I guess. A dead rose doesn't attract many pollinators), a beetle pupa (probably a ladybird beetle of some sort, but don't quote me on that) on a rose leaf, and a bee on the Veronica.

I have many more photos like these (YES, I KNOW THAT NO ONE'S SURPRISED), so we'll probably be doing another version of this again soon.

You'll all be on pins and needles until then, I'm sure.


I'm feeling a bit out of place here today since it's my first Tuesday back at the Centre after a summer of working mostly weekends. It's always a weird feeling to be working weekdays again, and it's largely because a person gets used to having fewer staff members around. On weekends over the summer it's generally me and one or two other staffers. It's a pretty loose feeling, and (most importantly) the back offices are very quiet. As in I'm usually the only one back here.

Today I'm not.


It's very not quiet today.


I'm pretty much completely disoriented, you know.

Ah well. This'll be back to feeling normal (or what passes for normal around here) in less time than seems believable.

Or whatever. I'm just rambling here, you know. This isn't even constructive blather today.

Guess I should get back to work then, shouldn't I?

Yeah, I probably should.

Ok then. Doing that.

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