If I had my camera with me I would have posted a photo of my middle finger, though. It's currently very decorative. You see, I was stacking chairs this morning before a program and somehow or other managed to burst a blood vessel on the middle finger of my right hand. This, naturally, necessitated an incident report, in which I managed to stay almost professional until I got to the part where you have to suggest ways to prevent this type of injury. Really, though. What else could I say but "I'll try not to use my middle finger so much while stacking chairs..."
I know that this is normally the part where I'd have some snarky comments about last night's Emmy fashions (dammit, guys, haven't we already had the talk about wearing BOW TIES WITH TUXES? Otherwise you look like you're wearing a shiny suit to an office Christmas party), but I think I'll give it a miss since my finger is juuust swollen enough to throw off my typing rhythm. And, apparently, my spelling. I know you can't see it from your end, but this post has been one big exercise in backspacing.
Best to leave off here, then. Type at you tomorrow, unless my hand falls off.
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