Saturday 26 September 2009

Um... Braces?

Hey! I was supposed to blog!

Kind of forgot, yes. And now, unfortunately, I have no blather topic. The current post title (which you probably won't see) is entirely a placeholder, because I have no idea what to type about.

It's definitely been that kind of a week, I guess. Busy at work, for the most part, and I don't feel like a work blather because most of it wouldn't mean anything to the public at large. Nothing terribly earth-shattering happened anyway. It was just a typical nature centre work week. Which... I know that some of you would find anything but typical, but for me it's what passes as normal. Even the part about feeding small dead mice to snakes.

So what to talk about?

How about...



Oh sure, why the hell not. I haven't whinged about my ankle in a while, I suppose. Today's pointless photo is definitely not of a brace, though. Must be something I can do about that. I drew one once. Would that count? If so, check here. If not, don't bother. It's just a drawing of a brace.

Anyway, I'm wrapped up today for the first time in about a month, because apparently my screwed-up ankle didn't appreciate my being on my feet so much this week. Yesterday it was complaining quite a lot, but like an idiot I didn't bother putting a brace on at the time. Paying for it today, of course. Did I mention the part about like an idiot?

When I tore the crap out of my ankle back in junior high, the doctor made the comment that I'd have been better off breaking it. Not the kind of statement you tend to believe at the time (what? Six weeks in a cast is better than the -- admittedly uncomfortable -- tape job you've just given me? Really?), but some twenty-five years later (oh, that can't be right. I've had a buggered-up ankle for a quarter of a century now? Sigh) I completely understand what he meant.

My ankle's a pain.

My ankle's a pain, and braces are an even bigger pain. I have quite a collection, you know. Lace-ups, neoprene, elastic, stays or stayless... and I hate them all. They do a necessary job, I know, but I really hate braces. They make me itchy no matter what I try to do to prevent it. They exaggerate my limp (like I need any help limping). And they're very good at picking up body odours, sadly.

Ah well. I suppose even all of that is better than being in pain all the time.

And with that, ladies and gentleman, I'm going to call it a blather and go find some lunch.

Wasn't exactly worth the wait, was it?

Well, let's add this for reasons that some of you will know and most of you will question. I like it that way.

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