Saturday 5 September 2009


The title? Sarcasm. Not feeling so very fantastic, to be honest.

Not enough sleep and generally unhappy head is all. I hope. We're headed into fall programming season, so it wouldn't be the best time in the world for me to get sick. Again. Yeah, it's been one of those years where I seem to catch every stupid thing that's going around, and it's getting a little bit annoying.

Ah well.

I'm not sure if I want to keep typing at the moment, because even though I'm not in a terribly bad mood I'm just off enough that this could turn into one big ginormous whiiinge in a hurry. None of us needs that, really.

And I should be drawing an elephant's foot anyway.

Erm... has anyone out there drawn an elephant's foot lately? I certainly haven't, and I'm not entirely sure how I'll be going about it. If at all. My head would probably be happier if I didn't, but I had this idea for Illustration Friday, and...

And art talk belongs on the other blog, doesn't it?

Ah well.

Yes, I know I said that already.

I need to go change laundry loads now. More on random elephant's feet on the other blog if I get around to it later. For now, though, maybe I'll just leave you with a pointless video clip. Well, not entirely pointless. I know why I'm posting it. It's probably pointless to you, though.

But at least it's fantastic.

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