Tuesday 22 September 2009

Hey look where I live

Well I don't live in the clouds exactly - though sometimes my brain wanders there.

Yeh, I know what you're thinking. Stop it.

Today you get a lovely sunset. Two days ago you'd have seen a photo of two white-tails - you know, had I gotten off my butt and walked the dogs at night with the spousal unit.

I've just come back from town and I have to say: rush-hour is going to definitely be different here. I was stuck behind a tractor for half a mile.

And now to typical Canadian blather, the weather. We were keeping our fingers tightly crossed - (individually "we" were, that is - hard to do together) - the couple of days leading up to moving as the weather channel kept telling us we were going to be moving in a downpour ... er, down pour? Hmm, down-pour *shrug*

We are now into day 23 with no rain and that means that the grass isn't even greener over the septic tank. And if you don't get that sentence, geez you're younger than you look. Whoever you are out there, reading.

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