Monday 17 May 2010

All feast or famine, isn't it

I know, I know ... I go weeks with nary a peep and then you have to read (or not) what passes for my thoughts a couple of days running. I don't know why, either, if that helps.

The photo for today was a "what the heck?' moment. As you can see it's a hanging basket which is clearly recovering from a sudden night of frost which, yes, the Weather Network assured us was past - uh, but I digress. IN the basket is a dove in mourning. I guess that's why she felt like plunking her little feathery butt in the basket - to cheer herself.

I probably don't need to mention how freaked I was to not see the bird but hear the basket cooing? No, I bet you'd have figured that out. I mean even baskets in my world don't generally coo. Generally.

Thank goodness the walls can't talk, is the addendum to any thought that may appear above.

1 comment:

deeol said...

Did that little birdie tell you that I've had almost no sleep and therefore shouldn't be posting today? Awfully nice of it, if that's the case.

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