Wednesday 26 May 2010

Spring.... the time for far too many nature shots

Yes, it's the highly-anticipated Canadian topic again and as you can see from some of the curled leaves we need rain. The thing worth noting (to me, anyhow) is that although those are apple blossoms, they were - as so many of us are - ahead of their time. "So what", you may comment and you're perfectly welcome to comment exactly that.

This coming weekend is the weekend where folks who make a day of it sign up with tour companies to visit the dozens of orchards in our area to see apple blossoms. Boy, I hope they like gazing at plain green leaves and dozens and dozens of dry, baked fields with only a hint of green things struggling to grow for the farmers. There's a saying that "there are no atheists in foxholes" and I'm guessing likewise out here there is a lot of praying going on for rain.

This might be the time to mention the fact it's currently 33 C with nary a cloud in the sky in any direction and seriously? Look at the date.

The dogs' walk this afternoon will definitely lead us to the lake at the top of the know, if I can get the dogs to take a little walk that is.

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