Saturday 29 May 2010

I am more than the sum of hummingbird parts

The subject line is a suggestion for a good country song, I guess. Go on. I dare you to write the first verse.

Geez, I tried to be original but that's an Oriole sitting on a hummingbird, now that I look .... well, actually it was all along; not just because I took a look.

There were two Orioles present but this guy was waiting on his mate to get out of the birdbath. You can't see it but the towel is just off to the side.

Yes, we apparently could put up a sign: "Welcome to the Flock Inn". As opposed to ... oh, never mind.

Canadian topic: no weather in sight except the very hot, humid and cloudless variety. I guess keeping the birdbath topped up is a necessity, you know, except for the lake just five minutes up the road. Where I saw fish jumping on Thursday afternoon. Uh-oh, this is turning random which makes for a very good time to hunt for the proper label for below and stop typing now.

One should never continue typing with a case of the sillies and sudden randomness looming. Actually, those are generally the most entertaining of posts but I have to go somewhere to do something. Isn't the outer world just plain irritating sometimes.

1 comment:

Sparroweye said...

I saw one of these, a Bullock Oriole in Arizona of all places. I rarely see these in my part of Florida.

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