Wednesday 19 May 2010

Oh, I don't know

I'm afraid (well, not afraid, no.  Sorry would be more appropriate, I suppose) that I'm having a headachy day today, and it's sending me straight into my whiny five-year-old persona.

I'm very pleasant when that happens, I can assure you.

It also makes it kind of hard to blather without letting the five-year-old out for a scream or several, but I'll try to keep the noise down.

Any suggestions on what I should be blathering about, then?  Looking at the pointless photo I'm thinking that maybe the lack-of-topic should be dead cats, but despite appearances the cat was not, in fact, dead when I took the picture.  He was just in full-on cat ecstasy, rolling around in the grass (or lack-of-grass?) like a lunatic.  The shadow you see towards the top of the frame was caused by my father.  I think the cat was just showing off for him.

Um.  I don't really have anything more to say about that.  Kind of brought things to a full stop there, didn't I?


Yeah.  I guess that just about says it all.  See you tomorrow, then.

1 comment:

Raluca said...

but what´s up with the cat??
look a bit distressed?

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