Monday 5 July 2010

And so.

So. Yes. About says it all, don't you think?

Ok, maybe it doesn't. But at this particular moment I'm not sure I can say much of anything at all. Just a liiittle lacking in sleep today, really.

And why?

Well, the father figure had to be up fairly early to get to the airport (yep. It's house-sitting week for Yours Fumblingly). Early, but not unreasonably early. At least by my internal clock, which -- you'll remember -- considers anything after five in the morning to be sleeping in. At any rate, anyone who's read this blog more than twice can probably fill in the rest. Dad had to be up, so my insomniac brain kept me up to make sure that he didn't sleep in.

I've been up since three.


To be fair, though, so has he. His brain must have been doing the same thing to him, because we both were up at Stupid O'Clock today. Ah, company in my usual misery. It's not as comforting as you might think it would be.

I hope at least that he got a bit of sleep on the plane...


Unfortunately, there's a pretty good chance that I might have been up at three even without the you-have-to-be-somewhere alarm going off in my head. The cold which I thought was finally, finally going on its merry way apparently had one more trick up its sleeve in the form of a persistent phlegmy cough. Um, yay? The last few days it's got progressively worse, and this morning it had a real go at blowing my head off. Ever cough so hard you gave yourself a nosebleed? No? Well let's hope you never do. If you'd like to, though, I'll give you my address and you can come over and be in my germy presence for a while.

The thing is, I don't really feel all that bad. I sound like I do, because the voice is awfully squeaky at times (thank Whomever that school programs are done for the season), but if you ignore the obvious vocal cue the only thing that actually seems sick about me is the frequent display of Let's Hack Up the Digestive System.

I, erm, think I'm beyond the hacking up a lung part.

Oh well. What can a person do besides pretending that she's auditioning for La Traviata?


Lots of things. But since I brought it up (and why, exactly? Blame it on the lack of sleep. I don't even like opera. Oh, some of the arias by themselves are pretty good, but the recitatives? Agh. Makes me want to beat them all until they stop singing and talk like normal human beings), let's wrap it up with a toast. Libiamo, everyone.

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