Monday 19 July 2010


Yes, it is.

Today's photo almost has a point (and, of course, the blog will turn into a pumpkin now) in that the Prickly Wild Rose is Alberta's provincial flower, and this one happens to be wet.

As is Alberta.

This has been a ridiculous summer for rain (for Alberta, at least) and as if to completely rub it in we had yet another storm last night that dumped a bunch more water.

I can't stress enough that this isn't normal.

Any little bit of heat we have in between rainfalls is causing the plants to go absolutely bonkers. I talked to someone on the trails at work yesterday who commented on how lush everything looked, and I honestly had enough trouble getting past the weird to see the lush.

I guess it is lush.

It's not really supposed to be, here.

If we'd get sun for any length of time things would look absolutely gorgeous, though.  The canola fields are coming into bloom, and to my mind there are few things that say Alberta summer like the bright yellow of the canola against the clear blue of the sky.

Or this year I guess it's the indifferent grey of the sky.

Don't get me wrong -- I'm not really complaining. Whomever knows, we get enough summers here where we're wondering what rain looks like, and this type of year tops things up to the point where next year may (note that I say may, though. I'm an Albertan. I know that next year is anything but certain, weather-wise) be less of a worry for those who depend so much on moisture. I'm just saying that it's weird, that's all.

And wet.


And... I wasn't really intending to blather about weather today. In fact, I had a totally different title up for this post, typed two words, and decided that I wasn't going that direction. I get that way when I have something rolling around in my mind, you see. Either it all comes out in gigantic spat of blog diarrhoea that I regret almost as soon as I've posted it (and I do have a personal policy, silly as it is, of not deleting posts from this blog. Words, yes. Sentences to correct grammar, yes. But entire posts? I try hard not to. The other blog's a bit different, but this one stays. Ish.), or I completely clam up and post nothing but I've got nothing for days on end.

You can see where I've been this time around just by looking at the previous posts, really.

Ah well. I think I've nearly worked through the latest non-crisis, so things should be back to abnormal shortly.

I'm sure you'll all be... relieved? Or whatever.

I'm not sure how it works when it comes to the daily blather and my two fans.

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