Saturday 10 July 2010

It's gonna be one of those days

I'm dragging today (tell you why in a second), and I just have a feeling that nothing much is going to get done even if I try. There are things I should do, really, but so far staring into dead space seems the preferable option. It doesn't help that I was planning to drive into the city to water my balcony plants, but it's raining at the moment and it seems like a weird thing even for me to drive down the highway to water plants in the rain. Even if I know that they won't get much water from the rain itself, yes.

So anyway, the thing I'm choosing to blame for my inability to get the hamster wheel in motion this morning is that I was out in yesterday afternoon's heat doing a bit of weeding. That's right, I was weeding someone else's yard. Just call me a sucker for punishment, I guess. Don't worry, Dad -- I've left most of it for you. I just wanted to get as many of the Creeping Bellflower stalks as I could before they flower (here's a pdf from the Alberta Invasive Plants Council on the nasty stuff. Don't ever, ever plant it, folks. It was an accidental invader here, and invader it certainly is). And yes, those are my tracks you'll see stomped through the poppies when you get back. There was a lot of it in that patch. And I'm sure there will be again in a few days. Lovely plant, that.

Ah well, as she says when she realises she doesn't have much more to blather about and is thinking about wrapping things up. I suppose I should hit the road, even if it's only to stop at my apartment for a few minutes and then come right back again. To stare into dead space, or something equally exciting.

Catch you later.

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