Friday 30 July 2010

It's the dreaded toilet paper post

Can't remember if I've used this photo before, and I don't really have time to look it up since I'm just taking a quick break from work. Oh, and considering today's post title aren't you extra glad that the photos almost always have nothing to do with the blather?

I know I am.

Anyway. On to the tp. I'm currently having a bit of a bog roll problem, and it's not the kind of thing I was expecting. You see, I like my toilet paper too much.

Yes, you read that right.

Here's the thing. I'm generally a big believer in recycled toilet paper. In fact, I don't think that there are too many excuses for using toilet paper that isn't made from recycled paper. Maybe it's not always the highest quality thing you can buy, yes, but it's toilet paper. It's something you use briefly to clean your behind and then flush down the loo. It doesn't need to be premium. I mean, unless a person has massive hemorrhoids or serious anal problems or something else medical like that, there is absolutely no reason to be cutting down more trees so that the human race can be provided with cushier bumwipe.

Is anyone else wondering how many other synonyms I can come up with for the stuff, by the way?

I buy recycled whenever I can, yes, but the other day when I was out I didn't have time to go to a bigger store to get the recycled stuff and just stopped in at my corner grocery. It occasionally has recycled brands, but not always. This was one of the not times. So... well, I was just about to pick up a small pack of something else to tide me over (erm, so to speak) when I noticed that a bigger pack of another brand that was on sale would be about the same price. Bigger pack = less packaging = good, so I went for it. And that's how I ended up having the big name American brand extra-something-or-other non-recycled toilet paper in my bathroom. You know the one. It has the cutesy commercials that always have me rolling my eyes. I'd never buy it under any other circumstances, you know.

Here's where the problem comes in.

It's great. I like it.


Toilet paper is toilet paper is toilet paper, but I like this stuff better.


So what do I do now? Honestly, I'll go back to buying recycled paper. I just can't justify toilet paper as something to put on my luxury item list, in the end. Or for my end. Or whatever. And in a while I'll probably even stop looking longingly at the other stuff when I go down the paper goods aisle. Really, I will.

Ah, principles. I guess it's hard to abandon the ones I have when there are so few of them...

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