Thursday 29 July 2010

Hey, want half a sandwich?

There's nothing wrong with it, I promise. I haven't touched it. It's just too much sandwich for my current state of brain, that's all.


Shall I elaborate? Or enumerate? Or get back to work on the August schedule so that I can leave and get back to being overly hot at my place?



Ok, here's the deal in a nutshell. My apartment is currently about a bazillion degrees (or, you know, thirty) which means sleep isn't happening which means I don't feel like eating because my stomach is telling me it's too tired to be full.

Yes, that honestly happens. I suppose it should happen more often because I could afford to miss a meal or twelve, but at the moment it's making me at least semi-miserable.

The last two days have been liquid breakfasts just to make sure I had something, but after this morning's planetarium program (yeah, on top of everything else I have PLANETARIUM BRAIN) I thought I was hungry enough to make a lunch trip down to the Co-op's sandwich bar worthwhile.

Well, I was half a sandwich right.

It's a decent sized sandwich, though, so I imagine it'll hold me for a while...

Anyway. I really should get back to the bloody schedule. And maybe someday I'll even explain planetarium brain for those of you who've never yet had the pleasure.

Are you sure you don't want this sandwich?

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