Thursday, 8 July 2010


Feeling kind of dozy today, so I'll try to keep this short. Which probably means that it won't be. How does the quote go? Let's see... oh, here it is: I would not have made this so long except that I do not have the leisure to make it shorter (it's Blaise Pascal, I see. The original, for anyone interested: Je n'ai fait celle-ci plus longue que parce que je n'ai pas eu le loisir de la faire plus courte.). Well, I do have the leisure, so I guess it doesn't apply as much as I thought it did. I have the leisure; just not the brain.

Anyway, about today's title. I'm trying very hard to keep things quiet today, because after all the coughing (which seems to be getting a bit better, knock wood) my vocal cords are completely frazzled and I'm very, very squeaky when I talk. Always a good time not to talk, then, but I'm finding that more difficult than I would have expected considering that it's just me and the cats at the moment. Part of the problem is that I think I overdid it at work yesterday, but the main issue is one I didn't really expect.


Yes, I do realise that singing isn't talking. It may as well be for me, though.

I always have some kind of song going through my head -- yeah, that actually counts as normal for me -- and when I'm around other people the songs stay in my head. Um, for the most part. When I'm alone, though (or with cats, I guess), they start coming out.

A lot.

And it seems that it takes the drastic measure of not having a voice to show me just how much of my time is spent singing. It is, frankly, an absolutely ridiculous amount of time. It's not that I'm putting out entire Broadway musicals, mind. It's snatches here and there as I go about my business. But it's a LOT of snatches, apparently, and that's not even adding in things like singing along with the internet radio as I sit at the computer.

The internet radio's off today, by the way. It wasn't yesterday, but I'm sure feeling now like it should have been. Hindsight is so good at making a person feel like an idiot, don't you know.

Anyway, that's how things stand. I'm dozy and voiceless and I should go find some lunch before I start on the important task of... wasting the rest of the day.

It's good to have ambitions, you know.

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