Wednesday 7 July 2010

Oh, I dunno. Something something blog post

Sorry. Got back not all that long ago from my place, where I was watering my balcony plants in hopes that they won't be completely deflated by the time I'm back again. Oh, and I also went in to work for a few hours.

I don't generally get in to work much when I'm house-sitting here, because frankly it's not worth the gas money anymore. I mean, yes, it's only a forty minute drive to get there, but when gas is as high as it's been the last few years those forty minutes both ways eat into a part-time worker's salary pretty significantly.

Of course, when I don't go into work at all there's no salary to speak of anyway...

Hmm. This is sounding suspiciously like a lose-lose situation. Why do I agree to do this, again? Oh yeah, to help out my father. That's ok, then.

Honestly, I don't know how people can handle long commutes at the best of times. I'm sure it's different when you're not driving yourself (not a big fan of driving, personally. I'm competent, but I only do it because I have to. The ability to live life without a car would be a great thing, if only it was possible around here for your average working-age person), but even given the best of all possible public transit worlds how can people stand spending an hour or two of every single day just going somewhere? Every single day. Well, every single workday, anyway. I'd go mad.

Or I'd read an awful lot of books. Or have an awful lot of daydreams.

Oh, wait. I already do that last part. Occasionally when I'm driving, which isn't always the best idea.

Anyway, I think that's about all I have for the moment. Stay tuned for further changes to the blog's appearance in the next few days, since I'm using it more or less as the work blog's lab rat until I figure out what the work blog's going to look like.

And after that what'll happen to this blog?

Identity crisis, I imagine. Ought to be fun.

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