Friday 24 August 2012

Can you hear the hamster wheel turning?

Before I start this particular, two things. One, I was a little snippy yesterday, wasn't I? Ah well. Two, I'm currently remembering why I don't wear bracelets to work. Being left-handed, I tend to wear bracelets (on the extremely rare days when I wear bracelets at all) on my left wrist because my watch is generally on the right. That makes mouse pads murder on watch straps, but I can live with that. Wearing a bracelet on my left wrist, though, means that it is constantly dragging against everything. It's extremely annoying.

And I nearly got a snake caught in it just now. Long story, but just remember that my workplace is weird.

Anyway. Speaking of my weird workplace, this post has officially been delayed for an hour now since I started typing. Work stuff -- and pleasant enough work stuff -- but it sort of takes the steam out of my rant. Let me just say, then, that I think that my ancient cell phone (or at least its battery) is finally on its way out. Went to plug it in last night and got an "invalid battery" warning (sort of makes you think that the battery's in hospital, that). Unplugging it and then plugging it in again got the charger working, but when I turned the phone on this morning it said invalid battery again. It was fine when I shut it off and tried again, but you have to know that this doesn't bode well. New phone time.

The problem? The reason I have such and old phone (besides the fact that it's worked well for a lot of years) is that I let my cell provider's contract run out a few years ago. I'm still with the same company; just no contract. It's been nice. Now, though, I need to make the should I stay or should I go? decision. Changing providers could probably get me a better deal, especially as a newcomer. On the other hand, starting a new contract with my current provider would give me a new phone and save me whatever hassle comes with trying to move my number to a new company. Is it a hassle, these days? Anyone out there know? I know there were problems with that at first, but maybe things have smoothed out a bit?

I guess I'll find out soon enough, one way or the other. The battery did take on a full charge once it decided it could charge, so I know I've got a few days on this. Guess I better start shopping...

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