Tuesday 14 August 2012

I... have nothing

I've been a bit self-distracting this morning, and it's not going to lead to much of a blather. I've also been listening to a fair amount of old (we're talking 20s and 30s old here, folks) blues and jazz, and it's put me in kind of a funky mood. You know what I mean, I hope -- sort of a they don't make music like that anymore combined with you kids and your loud music these days. If you think I'm going over all music snob today you're wrong, though. I'll probably end up listening to AC/DC on the drive home, if the hard rock station on the car radio is up to its usual playlist.

Of course, I could always change the channel. I'm weird about that, and I admit it. I have a whole bunch of presets so it's not like it would be difficult to find something different to listen to, but I somehow never seem to bother.

I should say, however, that I often drive with my windows open (yes, even down the highway. I'm not a big fan of air conditioning in cars because it's so drying), so maybe I don't change stations just because I can't even hear the radio much of the time.

But, erm, that's not why you called.

Why did you, again?

See: post title. I really don't have anything today. Kind of just wrapping a few things up here so that I can hit the highway early enough to get my own place in some sort of shape before going back to work tomorrow. I don't seem to have got much done in the way of my own stuff during this week of housesitting, but that's so normal I'm not even sure why I typed it. I always come here with big plans of using the quiet to get things done, and then I end up doing silly things that have nothing to do with anything useful.

Inertia's a wonderful thing, I suppose.

Anyway, back to the grind tomorrow. I'll be leaving before Dad gets back from the airport, I expect, so here's hoping that the cat hasn't got any surprises planned in the few hours that he'll be alone. I wouldn't put it past him. He is a cat, after all.

And this is coming from someone who likes cats, remember...

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