Saturday 25 August 2012

What do you have on your finger today, Dee?

A nail.

No, not a fingernail... although I'll admit that I have that too. I meant a nail, as in goes with hammer. A squared-off handmade nail that's been formed into a ring by a blacksmith. It came from one of those recreationist historical village places. Can't remember which one now. I've had the thing since I was a kid.

Why am I wearing it today?

No idea. Seemed like a good idea at the time, I suppose.

If you can't already tell by the return of the random jewellery nonsense, I've got nothing today. I even tried to have something, but I can always tell when it's going to be too forced to be bothered with.

Sooo... I won't bother.

We'll try this again tomorrow. Or the next day, since my tomorrow might be a little busy.


Edited to add that I just read on our Twitter feed (what? We follow lots of news via Twitter here at work. It's part of my job to have Twitter up and running) that Neil Armstrong has died. Wow. That's going to be a sad thing to a lot of people. And the fact that he was 82 makes me feel kind of weird. The Apollo program really was a long time ago.

Shouldn't we have been living on the moon by now? Or at least have scientists working there?


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