Thursday 23 August 2012


Just saying.

Ok, so maybe I'm a little ticked off at the moment because I took a few days off from the world to try to get this cold to move along a little faster, and it most patently hasn't worked.

That's not fair, is it? Rest, fluids... my butt. Colds just last as long as they're going to last, and I don't think that it matters a single bit what you try to do about them.

And yes, I'm sounding like a five-year-old. I don't care. I've given up on trying to coddle my cold, and I'm giving up on the non-whinge policy about it as well.

Um, anyway.

I should probably explain that along with the whole cold thing I'm also in the middle of putting together our quarterly newsletter here at work (well, of course for work. I certainly wouldn't do it as a hobby), and it always puts me a bit on edge. Hard to get submissions in; hard to motivate myself to do the editing. Every quarter, yes.

I guess what I'm saying is that you should probably be expecting this to turn into the pointless complaining blog rather than the pointless blather blog for at least a couple of days.

Hey, at least I'm warning you, right?

Personally, I think that was very kind of me.


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