Wednesday 8 August 2012

Pointless Oh geez, is it really that time? post of the day:

Yeah, I forgot to blog. What can I say? It's been a busy day, and my schedule got screwed up a bit. On the plus side, when I got back and opened the door I got a royal greeting from the cat, who I think had decided that everyone in his life had left (oh yeah, remind me tomorrow to tell you why I'm housesitting). Poor cat. I'd feel a lot more sorry for him if I didn't realise how much he'll probably be annoying me tonight.

So. Um. Today's photo, I guess. A crow that was hunting something in the neighbour's abandoned yard (the property's for sale, I mean) while I was out taking pictures of spiders the other day. I don't know what exactly it was hunting, but it was pretty intent.

I like crows. One of the most intelligent species on the planet. I know that some people find their calls annoying, but for me, I'd rather hear crows calling than pigeons cooing. If that sounds weird, then you've never had pigeon problems. Dreadful birds, pigeons. Messy. And insistent. If a pigeon decides that it's going to nest on your balcony, pray for armageddon. That's the only thing that'll stop it.

Trust me. Voice of experience here.

Aaanyway. Long day, did I mention?


Long day, and while I was waiting for lunch/supper (what? You think I made my own lunch/supper tonight? Silly my two fans) I decided that I deserved a treat so I went into the only store in town that sells art supplies to see what I could treat myself with.

Relax, budget. When I say the only store in town, in this particular town I mean the stationery store, and their art supplies are definitely limited. I'd be ok if I was into watercolours, which apparently is the thing here, but you may have heard that I paint like a five-year-old. Ok, no watercolours. So what else is on the one shelf of art supplies, then?

Microns. MICRONS! I love microns. And... I have microns. And don't need any more microns at the moment. Damn. So what else? Stumps, got. Pencils, got. Wait... don't got that...

Yes, blogosphere, I treated myself. To... a blender pencil. Sigh. To the non-artistically nerdy, look it up. I'm too sad at myself to link. A blender pencil, and a new kneadable eraser since my old one is currently filled with chunks of masking fluid. Long story, but fun. I'm so boring, though.

Anyway, this is mostly by way of saying that for any of you who are fans of my art (and if so, why?) and have been wondering why it hasn't been posted lately, no worries. I just haven't been in the mood. I have some ideas, though, and obviously if I'm still buying art supplies -- however lame -- I'm still interested. Watch this space. Or rather, the space on the other blog. There should be something there soon, I hope.

In the meantime, I'm going to have something to eat. You should too. Unless you already have, of course.

I wouldn't want you to stuff yourself.

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